
Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Last summer I posted about each one of the components as I wrote up the application to submit for RAMP a second time. The first time we achieved easily, but this time, under the Third Edition, we did not get 54 points when we submitted and had to redo most of our components and resubmit to achieve.  As the only full-time counselor at my elementary school, I have worked on RAMP with 3 different part-time counselors over the past several years. Both times I documented every detail of my program for the year, but did most of the writing in the summer. Our school is 700 students so during the school year between planned parts of our program and crisis response we are in survival mode most days. I am satisfied to achieve again.  It does give me satisfaction to know that a panel of reviewers verified that we have an exemplary program. 


  1. I'm late at seeing this, but a BIG congratulations on re-RAMP! We, from Poplar Tree ES in FCPS also received RAMP after our revisions as well. We are one of the two first elementary schools, the other being Brookfield ES, to receive it. So honored to be recognized by this elite group!

    1. Congrats to you to. I hope to see you in Orlando.
