My personal learning network had evolved over the past 3 years. I still use Blogger for my blog and follow many other counseling related blogs, especially those linked to SCOPE I love Twitter and Twitter Chats. I have #escchat #scchat #sccrowd on my TweetDeck and this week #NotatASCA15. It is great to have up-to-date information on what colleagues are learning at the ASCA National Conference even though I could not go this year and to be able to participate in a Twitter Chat tonight with counselors at the conference as well as though monitoring what is happening online. My other current favorites are Livebinders (check mine out my shelf), Google+ (hangouts, and Docs), Facebook (Elementary School Counselor Exchange), ASCA Scene and of course YouTube. There is so much virtual professional development available for free! Today it is as easy to access as looking at my Twitter feed and following people and organization relevant to school counseling.