Friday, March 22, 2013

Mix It Up

Our school psychologist organized this annual event and the counselors helped staff the cafeteria.  It was originally scheduled on the national mix it up day started by Teaching Tolerance, but we had a weather closing that day so our celebration got postponed until today.  Our psychologist made every student in the school a ticket with one of our 6 character traits on the front and discussion questions on the back.  She made signs with the character traits for all the lunch tables.  Sitting at a different table with people you don't normally eat with makes it a little awkward so having the questions hopefully starts a conversation.  Several students came up to us and said they made a new friend today which is the purpose behind the activity.  Last year we had students sit by the month of their birth, there are many ways to divide them.  Ee rotate our ideas, save the signs, and at least once every three years try something new.  This was our first time using the character traits and it seemed to work well and reinforce these key values.

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