Thursday, June 23, 2016

Winding Down the School Year

We get out tomorrow, June 23, so for this last week I made the simplest Bulletin Board of the year and let any student or staff write on a sticky note what they are most looking forward to this summer break. I wrote "Learning at the ASCA National Conference in New Orleans" and "Relaxing at the Beach." For me that is what summer is about, continuing my professional learning and restoring my batteries. As I see kids for the final time and meet with administrators to plan for next school year, I give myself plenty of time to reflect on the school counseling program this year - the successes and challenges. I was able to teach ALL students in the school 10 lessons which is a priority and a challenge since for the first time in 7 years I am the sole counselor because I lost my part-time counselor because of a decrease in enrollment. I led a crazy number of small groups this year and served over half the school but I need to be making sure I really reach the students who need Tier 2 services next year. Next year we are moving to using Second Step and MindUp district wide as the basis for Tier 1 in all elementary and middle schools, thus my involvement in summer curriculum work. I hope you all take time to learn something new and relax this summer!

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