Sunday, December 18, 2011

December - Anxiety

I have not been good about posting this month. It is very hectic at school and at home. I did want to share anxiety is the most common issue I have dealt with as far as individual students this month. I also have over 30 anxious students in small groups. I use Cognitive Behavior techniques with students who run too anxious. I really think they need a checklist of strategies they practice on days with low anxiety so they have a variety of techniques to use when their anxiety level gets too high. This is a concept that takes some work to implement but the pay off is better management of anxiety over the long-term. This is important because anxiety keeps popping up in different forms (like the Whack-a-male game) but the strategies an individual student finds helpful are usually the same.
I'd be very interested in what other school counselors do to help anxious students.

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