Tuesday, November 11, 2014

RAMP Reviewer

 I spent most of my "free" time the last 4 days reviewing RAMP applications.  My school Re-RAMPed last year and all schools who RAMP are offered the opportunity to have one counselor be a reviewer the following year. I was happy for the opportunity to try on the perspective of the reviewer rather than the counselor whose application is being reviewed.  I was pleased I got a chance to review both schools that are attempting to Re-RAMP and those submitting for the first time.  I also got to review applications from all 3 levels. You can't review any submissions your own state to make it less likely you would know the applicants. The applications are reviewed by 3 reviewers then the reviews go to a lead reviewer who oversees two teams.  It is a very labor intensive process of volunteers.  I do believe the RAMP process has greatly contributed to making school counseling programs better.  My district now has 4 schools who have successfully RAMPed.  I am hoping after serving as a reviewer, I will be in a better position to help other counselors in my district who want to go for RAMP.

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