Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Label and Express Emotions

I keep my "Mood Meter" on my easel to use when third and fourth graders come to my office and need help talking about their feelings. This tool is based on the RULER Approach to social, emotional, and academic learning developed by Yale. RULER stands for recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate emotions. (See I like how the meter shows feelings can be categorized as pleasant and unpleasant and by energy level. I add a neutral point in the middle because I want students to find their neutral feelings when faced with unexpected or difficult situations. I frequently let students write and describe the variety of feelings they have been experiencing since our last meeting and place them in the area they experience them. This is important because my meaning of guilt might be different than the client's meaning. I made this Mood Meter on poster board and laminated it. I keep a zip lock bag full of various colors and shaped sticky notes. For other uses for sticky notes and difficult emotions see the blog School Counseling by Heart.


  1. Love this multi-dimensional way of helping children describe how they are feeling! I think adults would find it helpful, as well. Sharing this - thanks!

  2. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. Coloring Books for Toddlers
