Thursday, March 12, 2015

Twitter Chat to Discuss Book

Last night my school tried a Twitter Chat for the first time.  The librarian, the technology coordinator, and the student services team met to organize it and agreed on the questions we would discuss about the book, Growing Up Social (Chapman and Pellicane).  We had two purposes: 1) to discuss aspects of the topic how to find balance in a tech driven world; and 2) to drum up interest in our in person book chat next week in the evening.  The six of us that organized the chat and each posed one question during the discussion all loaded Tweet Deck on our machines so we had a feed to our specific #NESbook. If you have never done a Twitter Chat what-is-a-twitter-chat-and-how-to-make-the-most-of-it We were only successful in having another 6 persons tweeting but others could have been reading the feed. The best thing we did was have multiple people pose the questions, because it flowed like a normal conversation. Our biggest mistake was the time slot we picked (7-8 pm) which in hindsight was terrible for parents with children at home.  We realized in our debrief this morning that time slot is fine for evening meetings at school when parents are free of child care responsibilities (because they have a babysitter or spouse doing things with kids), but the wrong time for this type of activity. The staff that participated all loved the discussion so now we are thinking how we could use it for staff discussions. 

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